New Mechanics and Rules

  • Pushing Rolls - you can choose to reroll any ability or skill check once. If the new roll would succeed you succeed. If the new roll fails, there are consequences determined by the DM.

  • Bioarcane items - much like magic items, Bioarcane items are implanted into the person or they replace a standard body part. These count as attuned items and cannot be replaced with the original body parts without the regeneration spell.

  • Glitches - certain enemies and areas are “glitched.” This means they are very nonstandard and cannot be defeated or overcome by normal means. Most defy the laws of physics and magic.

  • Luck Stat - you start with 30 + 2d20 Luck. This stat can be spent in order to succeed on a roll or cause an opponent’s roll to fail.

    • When luck is spent it disappears and cannot be regained except in very specific circumstances.

    • When you roll a Nat 1 you lose 1d4 luck.

    • When you roll a Nat 20 you gain 1d4 luck.

    • Luck cannot be used to modify a Nat 1 or to create a Nat 20.

  • Auto Success - if your ability score or skill is equal to the challenge rating you can choose to succeed without a roll. (Jump over a hole DC 10, Acrobatics score is 14, the player can just choose to succeed without rolling)

  • Immortal Moment - once per level you can choose to create an “Immortal Moment,” this is your classic, time stands still and everything comes into focus. You can choose to attempt to throw yourself between an ally and danger or comfort a dying NPC with a song. This is your moment to shine and the possibilities are endless.

    • The practical game effects will vary but they are substantial.

  • Death and Dying

    • Your character’s origin story affects how they handle death after failing 3 death saves.

    • Death Curse/Last Stand - when you would normally make a death save you can instead choose to take a standard action to attack the enemy or save an ally. When you do this you immediately fail 2 saves.

      • If a spell is cast, it is cast at its highest level.

      • If an attack is made it counts as a critical hit.