The world of Impios is always in the process of being created.
The Made Lands
Az’mar - Largest City
Border Forts - Small encampments of 15 to 30 people that span the edges of the Made Lands. These serve as supply and rest points for adventurers who explore the Unmade lands.
Landing Zone - Where those who come to this world land at. This is also the spawn point for all new players in the game. Only the most powerful of mages can use this point to explore the planes and worlds beyond this one.
Anchor Points - Those who have obtained a world stone use this power to anchor the world in a form can be inhabited and will keep the world from changing. The size of the Anchor Stone’s influence depends on the power of the one who wields it.
The Unmade Lands
Creation Ridge - The border between the Unmade Lands and the Void Lands. This border is less of a hard line and more like a zone a few miles wide. This zone is the effect edge of the world for those who venture past and enter into an area where the laws of physics and magic no longer exist as we know them.
Spillover points - These are areas where magical disturbances have altered the world and where an Anchor Stone is needed to solidify the area. These can range from dungeons, to world bosses, to portals to new worlds. These areas can also change or alter the laws of physics and magic causes unusual effects while in the area.
Anchor Points - These are what happens when Spillover Points are anchored to the world. Anchor points serve as the home for those who possess an Anchor Stone until they have spend enough time, energy, and magic to fully solidify the world. The closer to the Made Lands, the quicker this process happens. Others who inhabit the zone help speed up the porcess of Anchoring and so small settlement tend to pop up in these areas.
The Void Lands
Unknown - The world is being created here and as such what was an ocean one hour could be a desert wasteland the next. Mountain ranges are created and destroyed in less than a day. Survival is nearly impossible here for even the strongest of warriors.
World Edges - This is the physcial edge of the created world. These areas are always moving and supposidly shrinking as more of the world is anchored.