Character Submission Rules for the Homebrew Review Podcast.

  • Any homebrew material you decide to use must be lawfully obtained.

  • You may modify the original content in the material only with the creator’s permission. If the material is abandoned, you may modify it so long as you credit the original source. Material is considered abandoned if it has been unaltered for more than 1 year and if you have reached out to the original author without success 3 times in a 30-day period.

  • The material you have created can only be reviewed by yourself if you are of the Quest Giver rank on Patreon. Episodes are advertised on multiple social media platforms at the expense of the podcast, as such this is an advertisement for your product as well and you may use any advertisements we place on your own website or social media platforms as you see fit.

  • Submissions to the podcast must be made by the posting date for your submission to be valid. If you are having trouble submitting material contact Bob or another admin and we can help assist you.

  • When submitting a character for the podcast that includes paid content, a link must be included that leads to the original purchase website. Free material must also include a link however, it can lead directly to the document if the author is credited within it.

  • By submitting your character, you agree to do everything you reasonably can to record during the agreed-upon times. If you find you are unable to record on the dates that were decided upon you can back out before the first recording.

  • If you can, please message the author of the material you want to use material from and inform them that you want to review it. You technically do not need to, but it is polite to do so. This will allow the author to update or change anything they would like to before it gets aired.

  • If you don’t feel comfortable contacting the author, let Bob know and he can try to assist you. He will not do all the work for you, but he can help you phrase the message or make the first contact if you need.

  • Not required, but highly suggested, when you contact an author and/or if you are contacted by an author, please forward me all messages that I should be aware of or that pertain to comments the author would like added into the show. This is to protect yourself and the podcast from any misrepresentation and to ensure the author’s requests are acknowledged.

  • Character submission must include the submission document that can be found at the end of this document as well as within a separate document located in the submission post.

Sample of introduction to a content author:


Hello, this is (Your Name) with the Adventuring Guild. I would like to review your material on our podcast, Homebrew Review. We are a small podcasting group that enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons with homebrew content. We have found that some of the homebrew material needs to be spotlighted with a review and constructive criticism. Our hope is to share some of the amazing homebrew material created with other players. I’m putting this material up for vote and if it makes it, I will be using it in the upcoming recording. Should it be voted in, I will let you know when you can plan on hearing it over iTunes, Stitcher, or Podbean.

I really enjoyed your homebrew material and I have a couple of questions about _________ if you would have time to help clear those up for me, I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any suggestions on how to play the character or any comments you would like to make please include those in your reply.

Here is a link to our iTunes feed and if you would like to know more check out the website or email our DM, Bob Nelson.


Thank you for your amazing homebrew,

(Your Name)

 By Filling out the form below you agree to follow the rules set by The Adventuring Guild and violation of the rules could result in being expelled from the guild.