The Noble District
East Gate Road
This road leads out of the city towards the Cross Roads Fort. Traffic is monitored at all hours by posted guards though traffic through this gate is light.
South Gate Road
This road leads out of the city towards the Eastern Light’s Grasp lighthouse.
There are 3 inns within the Noble District. They house their staff in small servant houses behind the inns. They are all more than 1 gp per night to stay and only cater to those who are visiting the nobles within the district.
Environmental Crystals
The enchanted crystals here help keep the temperature at a comfortable level year round and creates a rain shield over the city. The Doomstaff family personally maintains these crystals.
Noble Families
Darklight Family
Doomstaff Family
Other Notable Establishments
Hammich’s Sandwich’s - Run by a Grung Chef who was once a great adventurer who has delved through a majority of the Dark Bellows - High end restaurant located near the Inns.