Thorun - Thorun spends his time in Port City between forging and working on his abilities. He runs into an unexpected individual from his homeland while in the training yard of the Fighter's Guild and learns a thing or two in battle. While blacksmithing and searching for new crafting designs he finds a teacher for a new item called a gun-blade and as he was forging on the 3rd-day the percentile dice hurt him greatly when some of his tools are stolen.
Barnaby - After spending some time at the temples, Barnaby does his good deed for the day(s) and helps a traveling book salesman to bring books to the children of the Abundance Farms region. Along the way, he meets children with a yearning for knowledge as well as a group that may be making some bad decisions... These bad choices are confirmed on the way back to Port City but he is able to return to the escape and report the incident with the Mage's Guild.
Klienenstern - After having some fun in the cafeteria, Klien meets with his mentor and starts down a road that will lead him to the stars. With the help of an elderly diviner, he gets a star chart and with his passion for learning about the cosmos he decides on a goal that will lead to unimaginable discovery. He spends the 22nd with Danderbin.
Danderbin - Danderbin decided to help out the poor with his loot. Though doing so was a unique and partially chaotic time. However, the people of Port City will always remember his alter ego's generosity. He spends the 22nd with Klienenstern.
Group: Klienenstern & Danderbin - Klien and Dandy meet up outside the Mage's Guild at the Jobs Board and decide to team up to earn some coin. The job they choose at the Light's Grasp Lighthouses, their decision could haunt them...
Group: Fimdeer, Klien, Barnaby, Thorun, Aura, Danderbin - 23rd of Planting - The crew is called upon to help close the portal that was causing problems after Fimdeer and Hien'ir stepped through it. Klien, Barnaby, Fimdeer, Thorun, Dandy, and a new face, Aura has joined the crew. This brave group fought their way through and dispatched the demon at the end. There were MANY WoW puns made in this episode. You have been warned...